Innovative Way to Save Energy

Anexa Aerogel Insulation Paint

Patented technology

Less Cost, Better Performance

Using ANEXA Paint can reduce heat loss by about 30% to 40% compared to conventional methods, and with just one application, its high functionality is maintained for about 10 to 15 years, significantly reducing various economic costs.


Save Energy with Anexa

Aerogel Insulation Technology

U.S. Insulation Certification CRRC Obtained!

Innovative Way to Save Energy

Anexa Aerogel Insulation Paint

As the population increases and the economic scale expands, the demand for energy is also rising. Consequently, global warming is accelerating, leading to various climate issues around the world.

We must continuously research ways to save energy, and the quickest, most effective method is to reduce unnecessary loss and waste.

ANEXA Aerogel Insulation Paint easily reduces energy loss in all aspects of our lives, contributing to the resolution of environmental issues and also cutting down on economic costs.

Using ANEXA Paint can reduce heat loss by about 30% to 40% compared to conventional methods, and with just one application, its high functionality is maintained for about 10 to 15 years, significantly reducing various economic costs.

Application Cases

Our Partners

ANEXA Aerogel Insulation Paint,

Recognized by Numerous Public Institutions and Large Corporations.


NEWS 2588
